所屬行業:儀器儀表/工業自動化公司性質:中外合資 /
成立日期:2011-07-30 / 注冊資金:5000萬元 / 公司規模:少于50人
所在地區:廣東省*深圳市*南山區 / 經營品牌:
安克創新由陽萌創立于2011年,致力于在全球市場塑造中國消費電子品牌,通過不斷創新,將富有科技魅力的領先產品帶向全球消費者,弘揚中國智造之美。安克創新成功打造了智能充電品牌Anker, 并相繼推出Eufy、 Roav、 Zolo、 Nebula等智能硬件品牌, 進一步拓寬業務領域,并在智能充電、智能家居、智能語音等領域均有出色表現,擁有全球100多個國家與地區的3000萬用戶。
自成立以來,安克創新以每年超過50%的增速發展: 2015年總收入約為13億人民幣,凈利潤額達到1.56億人民幣; 2016年,總收入達25億人民幣,同比增長92.69%;凈利潤同比增長101.50%。2017年12月,安克創新提出雙品牌戰略,將在“安克創新”和“海翼電商”兩個品牌下分別實現“塑造一組標桿品牌”和“提供一組基礎服務”兩個企業愿景,以更清晰的布局,加速“弘揚中國智造之美”的步伐。
Anker Innovations is a global leader in smart charging technologies and a developer of consumer products for the home, car and more.
Founded in 2011 by Steven Yang, Anker quickly established itself as an innovator and market leader in intelligent charging solutions. Today, Anker Innovations is bringing this same spirit of innovation to a number of exciting spaces including automotive, audio, entertainment and the emerging smart home. This is being led by its six key brands: ANKER, EUFY, NEBULA, ROAV, SOUNDCORE and ZOLO.
With over 30 million customers in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, Anker Innovations and its key brands are driving unprecedented growth. In 2015, the company realized revenue of over 1.3 billion CNY with net profits of 156 million CNY. In 2016, the company’s net profits rose over 100%, with total revenue reaching 2.5 billion CNY -- up over 92% compared to same period as the previous year.